UWF team develops curriculum plan for National Flight Academy

The Naval Aviation Museum Foundation recently contracted the University of West Florida to lead curriculum development for the National Flight Academy, a new facility being constructed at the National Museum of Naval Aviation and scheduled to open in early 2012. The Academy will serve as a unique setting for middle and high school students to […]

UWF oil spill team ready to analyze water and sand samples

Researchers at the University of West Florida, led by Richard Snyder, director of the Center for Environmental Diagnostic and Bioremediation, are ready to start analyzing and releasing data after four weeks of collecting sand and water samples from around the Pensacola area. The difficulty in obtaining a sample of oil from the spill site, essential […]

UWF graduate student monitors Gulf Waters for oil-related changes

Facing a collection of Gulf-water-filled beakers in a University of West Florida lab, biology graduate student Melissa Overton explains her role with the UWF oil spill research mission. “I am looking at the bacterial community, basic microbe ecology, in the coastal waters off the beaches of Pensacola and Navarre,” said Overton. “Bacteria are the key […]

Computer science alumnus works on NASA project

In 1969, walking on the moon was considered “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” In 2013, it’s possible that this statement may be recapitulated as “one small step for a humanoid, two giant leaps for mankind.” University of West Florida alumnus John Carff, a research associate at the Florida Institute […]

UWF professor’s microbe research could come into play in oil spill aftermath

Microbial research at the University of West Florida in the past two decades could be a vital resource in the aftermath of continuing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. UWF crews have been collecting water and sand samples from specific locations in the area for the past two weeks in order to establish […]

UWF research associate readies lab for oil spill experiments

These days Fred Hileman, University of West Florida lecturer and analytical chemist, is busy conducting oil and water experiments at the university’s Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation while he waits for real-life spill samples to come ashore in Pensacola. The April 20 BP oil spill off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of […]

UWF Environmental Studies instructor helps monitor Pensacola shoreline

Chasidy Hobbs, an environmental studies instructor at the University of West Florida since becoming a graduate teaching assistant in 2006, says she “loves having the opportunity to help students see the big picture and interconnectedness of our lives and the world around us.” As executive director of Emerald Coastkeeper of Pensacola, a non-profit member of […]

UWF faculty collect research samples in oil spill’s wake

University of West Florida faculty members from the university’s Center for Environmental Diagnostic and Bioremediation have begun local research into the potential impacts of the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana that began April 20. Dr. Richard Snyder, biology professor and director of the CEDB, said water from offshore as well as sand from […]

UWF alum featured in New York Times for electronic invention

A self-described “serial entrepreneur,” UWF graduate Augi Lye has accomplished more than the average 31-one-year old. In early 2007, only one year after graduating from UWF with a degree in electrical engineering, Lye launched ToneRite, Inc. The company, which was recently featured in The New York Times, specializes in providing musicians with advanced play-in devices. […]

English department launches 1925 virtual newsstand web site

While the advent of the Internet has endangered the future of print newspapers and magazines, it has enabled the history of a lost institution to be shared via The 1925 Virtual Newsstand Web site. Created by University of West Florida senior English majors, the site is the culmination of an ongoing senior capstone project lead […]

Health care + information technology = medical informatics

For educators and staff of the University of West Florida’s online certificate of medical informatics program, job No. 1 is often defining the relatively new and fast-growing field. As defined in the UWF ebook, “Medical Informatics: Practical Guide for the Healthcare Professional,” medical informatics is “the application of computers, communication and information technology and systems […]

Science and Engineering Building grand opening set for Feb. 3-5

After five years in the making, the highly anticipated University of West Florida School of Science and Engineering (SSE) building opened its doors to UWF students, faculty and staff Jan. 6, just in time for the new spring semester. The 100,000-square-foot, four-story building will bring computer science, electrical and computer engineering, math and physics programs […]