Campus Life

Florida Virtual Campus launches redesigned website to provide online access to hub of innovative educational services

This week, the Florida Virtual Campus, a statewide hub of innovative educational services for K12 and postsecondary education students, launched a major redesign of its website, The newly designed website provides online access to educational services for high school and postsecondary students across the State. Students have the ability to search for content in college and university libraries throughout the state, explore online courses and degree programs at state colleges or universities, check their transcript and apply to take courses at other institutions.

This month, the Florida Virtual Campus transitioned to the University of West Florida Innovation Institute to further administrate, facilitate and coordinate specific services for all 40 higher education institutions and K12 school districts throughout the State of Florida. Serving as the University’s hub for collaborative academic problem solving and community partnerships, UWF Innovation Institute collaborates on transformative educational projects, like the Florida Virtual Campus, that will have a substantial impact in support of all students in Florida from initial college direction, to college success and assistance in identifying careers.

“Our goal is to provide students with innovative educational services that help them succeed in school and life after graduation,” said Dr. Pam Northrup, associate provost of academic innovation at UWF. “The first step in achieving this goal is providing a high-quality user experience for students, parents and the public that visit our website.”

The Florida Virtual Campus works with the state’s 12 universities, 28 colleges and other partners to help students earn a degree and prepare for a challenging 21st century career. The website offers access to a variety of tools including:

  • College and Career Readiness Evaluation, which guides high school students as they evaluate progress toward meeting the requirements to attend college or enter the job market with the skills to succeed.
  • Bright Futures Scholarship Evaluation, which allows high school students to check their eligibility for each level of the scholarship.
  • Online Course Catalog, which allows students enrolled in a public college or university to search for an online course.
  • Transient Student Application, which allows students enrolled in a public college or university to apply for a course at another public college or university.
  • Statewide Library Search, which allows students to search for books, articles and other educational resources in college and university libraries across the state.

“The Florida Virtual Campus makes it easy for students to explore their postsecondary options, track their progress and ultimately earn their degree,” said Dr. Northrup. “This can help students stay on time and on track for graduation.”

The Florida Virtual Campus will use analytics, trend data and feedback gathered over the next six months to continually improve the website.