Student Life

UWF Mock Trial Team hosts 2015 Argo Invitational

The University of West Florida Mock Trial Team hosted the fourth annual UWF Argo Invitational last weekend, Jan 17 and 18. The event, which was held in the UWF Mock Trial Courtroom, is sponsored by Stetson University College of Law.

A total of 18 teams from 13 universities competed in the tournament this year. Local judges and attorneys judged the tournament. University of South Florida placed first in the competition, followed by University of Alabama and University of Florida in second and third place, respectively.

The UWF Mock Trial Team is part of the American Mock Trial Association, a national organization that has sponsored mock trial competitions at the undergraduate level for 26 years. Formed in 2001, the UWF team has competed in regional and national competitions, earning numerous team and individual awards over the years.

The UWF Mock Trial Team is part of the College of Education and Professional Studies Emerge Program, which helps faculty design and utilize high impact practices to deepen student learning and engagement. By using a combination of techniques, such as collaborative assignments and projects, service and community-based learning and learning communities, high impact practices raise levels of performance, retention and success for all students.

For additional information about the UWF Mock Trial team, contact Kimberly Tatum, associate professor of Legal Studies and associate dean of the UWF College of Education and Professional Studies at