Campus Life

University of West Florida schedules Human Resources certification course

The University of West Florida Division of Continuing and Distance Education, in cooperation with the Society for Human Resource Management, is holding a Professional Certification in Human Resource Management course.

This ten-week course is scheduled to be held on Tuesdays, Sept. 18 through Nov. 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. in Building 8, Room 835 of the Ft. Walton Beach Campus. The cost of the course is $820, which includes materials. A free one-hour information session is available Aug. 21 to meet the instructor and learn more about the SHRM Certification Prep Course. Pizza and soda will be served. R.S.V.P. to reserve your seat.

The course is designed to keep human resource professionals abreast of the key issues and the increased demands of human resource management.  Participants will be given up-to-date “real world” application exercises that will assist them in developing specific competencies and decision-making skills in the areas of business management and strategy, workforce planning and employment, human resource development, compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations and risk management.

Experienced managers new to the human resource field, individuals interested in entering the human resource field, human resource professionals desiring a review course in preparation for the Human Resource Certification Institute exam and certified human resource professionals seeking continuing education credit towards recertification will benefit from the course.

To register, call (850) 473-7468 or visit For more information, contact Sarah Banner, coordinator at (850) 474-3082 or