Local author Jeremie Samuel to host book signing and presentation at Voices of Pensacola
Local author Jeremie Samuel will host a book signing and presentation at the Voices of Pensacola presented by Gulf Power on Saturday, Dec. 12 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Samuel will present on Pensacola’s moorish history and sign his new book, “The Moorish Essence of Pensacola: A Legacy of Exploration and Cultural Exchange from Estevanico to Tristan de Luna,” which explores the history and influence of the Moors on the Gulf Coast. Samuel was born in Pensacola and has long been interested in the diverse cultural foundation and history of the city.

Voices of Pensacola presented by Gulf Power, a multicultural center available to the community, is located at 117 E. Government St. in downtown historic Pensacola. For more information, contact Chief Community Officer Jeff Nall at jnall@uwf.edu or 850.595.5985 ext. 110.