UWF to host the Argos Suit Up professional dress event
The University of West Florida Career Services and Student Government Association will partner with JCPenney to host the Argos Suit Up event, part of a national initiative that allows students to purchase discounted professional wear. The event will take place on Feb. 25 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the JCPenney located at 7171 N. Davis Highway. In October 2017, President Martha D. Saunders pledged $10,000 of personal funds to support the initiative.
“When I learned about the program from one of our student government leaders, it just seemed to be a natural fit for UWF,” said UWF President Martha D. Saunders. “We already provide students with help creating a polished resume, write cover letters, develop a portfolio and practice for a job interview. This takes it to the next level by helping them build a professional wardrobe that’s budget friendly.”
Students who attend the shopping event will receive a 40 percent off coupon for any purchase of eligible professional clothing. The coupon applies an additional discount to clothing, including items already marked down.
“The collaboration between UWF and JCPenney’s program will allow students the opportunity to purchase affordable and professional clothing for internship and job interviews, as well as for future employment opportunities,” said Jamie Calvert, assistant director of communications for SGA. “We are eager to see how beneficial this will be for our students.”
Through fundraising efforts and generous donations, including Saunders’ pledge, Career Services will purchase JCPenney gift cards that will be awarded to students who demonstrate a need that aligns with the mission of the program. Students can apply for financial assistance by submitting a résumé and a short video discussing how they will be impacted by this program. The deadline to apply is Feb. 9, 2018.
“Regardless of the industry a student enters, they will be expected to dress professionally at some point, whether that is an interview or professional function where they represent their company,” said Lindsey Walk, director of Career Services. “Our goal in this program is to assist students so they can make a great first impression when they meet potential employers.”
The initiative was brought forward to Saunders by Abigail Megginson, a senior journalism and political science major who serves as the SGA director of communications. Megginson saw the potential impact this program could have on students as they prepare to enter the job market after graduation.
“We are extremely proud of our students who began this program and thank them for being proactive within our Argonaut community,” said Kishane Patel, UWF Student Body President. “Nothing speaks to the level of students we have than those who are working diligently for our peers within the institution.”
Students and alumni must present their Nautilus card at the event in order to receive their discount.
For more information on the Argos Suit Up program, visit uwf.edu/suitup.
For more information on Career Services, visit uwf.edu/career.
For more information on SGA, visit uwf.edu/sga.