Campus Life

UWF Rite of Passage Series to feature Professor Jun Wei

Dr. Jun Wei, professor in the UWF Department of Management and MIS will present "My Professional Journey: Separation, Transition and Reincorporation," on Friday, Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. at the Argonaut Athletic Club. This is the second event of the UWF Rite of Passage Lecture Series.

Dr. Jun Wei, professor in the UWF Department of Management and MIS will present “My Professional Journey: Separation, Transition and Reincorporation,” on Friday, Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. at the Argonaut Athletic Club. This is the second event of the UWF Rite of Passage Lecture Series.

Rite of Passage is a distinguished lecture series celebrating UWF faculty who were recently promoted to full professor. The series gives professors the opportunity to share life lessons outside of the classroom with colleagues, students, friends and community members. Throughout the 2013-2014 academic year, four professors present a lecture on a topic of their choosing, through this series.

Prior to joining UWF, Wei taught in the Graduate School of Management at the University of Dallas, the School of Business Administration at University of Texas Pan America and the School of Management at Zahejiang University in China. Wei has more than six years of industry experience, including extensive work with enterprise information systems development.

Wei received a master’s degree from the School of Management at Zhejiang University and a master’s degree from the School of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. She received her doctorate from Purdue University.

A reception will follow the lecture, and the event is free and open to the public. To learn about upcoming Rite of Passage lectures, please visit