UWF online programs rank among best in U.S. News & World Report
The University of West Florida ranked among the best in the nation in the prestigious 2021 U.S. News & World Report Best Online College rankings. UWF ranked 53rd among 357 institutions for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs and 37th for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs for Veterans in the rankings released on Tuesday, Jan. 26.

“These rankings are a testament to UWF’s long history with high quality online education,” UWF President Martha D. Saunders said. “That commitment started in 1998. As early adopters of online learning, we’ve integrated the practices our students need and love into the online setting.”
U.S. News & World Report awarded UWF badges as symbols of excellence for its bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. UWF earned five badges in the following categories for Best Online Programs: Bachelor’s; MBA; Master’s Business (non-MBA); Master’s Education; and Master’s Computer Information Technology. UWF also earned four badges for Best Online Programs for Veterans in the following categories: Bachelor’s; MBA; Master’s Education; and Master’s Computer Information Technology. UWF also ranked in the Online Master’s in Nursing Programs category.
The rankings evaluate more than 1,600 distance education bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Only fully online degree programs, from entry to completion of the academic year, are included in the rankings.
UWF offers over 50 different undergraduate and graduate online programs, as well as credit-earning certificate programs. UWF launched its first fully online degree program, offering a master’s degree in instructional technology within the College of Education and Professional Studies, in Fall 1998, when the World Wide Web was just eight years old.
In September 2020, U.S. News & World Report ranked UWF among the top 15 public regional institutions in the South for the second consecutive year and awarded the University five Best Colleges badges in the following categories: Regional Universities; Top Public Schools; Social Mobility; Best Colleges for Veterans; and Most Innovative Schools.
For more information about U.S. World News & World Report rankings, visit usnews.com/best-colleges. For more information about the University of West Florida, visit uwf.edu.