Campus Life

UWF Mock Trial Team hosts 2014 Argo Invitational

The University of West Florida Mock Trial Team hosted the third annual UWF Argo Invitational this weekend. The event, which was held in the UWF Mock Trial Courtroom, is sponsored by Stetson University College of Law.

The tournament consisted of four trial rounds that were judged by local attorneys and judges. Teams from Auburn University, University of South Florida, Kennesaw State University, University of Alabama, Mississippi University for Women and Georgia State University, among others, participated in the two-day competition.

Auburn University placed first in the competition, followed by the University of Alabama and Millsaps College in second and third place, respectively. UWF student Dylan Radcliffe earned an Outstanding Witness Award for his performance at the event.

The UWF Mock Trial Team is part of the American Mock Trial Association, a national organization that has sponsored mock trial competitions at the undergraduate level for 25 years. The UWF team was formed in 2001 and has competed in regional and national competitions, earning numerous team and individual awards over the years.

For additional information about the UWF Mock Trial team, contact Kimberly Tatum, associate professor of Legal Studies and associate dean of the UWF College of Professional Studies, at