UWF Military Veterans Resource Center hosts entrepreneurial training sessions
The University of West Florida’s Military and Veterans Resource Center recently hosted two no-cost Veterans Florida Entrepreneurial Training Session, “So You Want to Be An Entrepreneur” and “What is the Lean Startup Model for Entrepreneurs?” at the UWF Conference Center.

The workshop was held in partnership with Veterans Florida as part of the Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program and featured guest speaker Bob Foster, program coordinator for the MVRC VFEP at UWF. The event was spearheaded by Marc Churchwell, MVRC director.
“We are all veterans, who are serving veterans,” Churchwell said. “So the team took the extra steps to ensure that the workshop was beneficial, professional and enjoyable.”
Participants included honorably discharged veterans who are interested in entrepreneurship. As part of the event, attendees were given a self-assessment questionnaire to determine if they are prepared for the challenges of creating a startup business. The three-hour session also included challenges to attendees to get involved with the community to solve problems and fill real needs, with featured topics covering how to elevator pitches, advisory boards, personal challenges, bootstrapping, raising capital and more.
The remaining workshops are:
Oct. 28 – “Financial Management Basics for Entrepreneurs”
Nov. 4 – “How to Fund Your Startup”
Dec. 9 – “The Importance of People”
Jan. 6 – “Marketing Your Startup”
Veterans Florida is a non-profit corporation created by the state of Florida to help veterans transition to civilian life in the state through a variety of initiatives.
For more information and to register, visit the Veterans Florida website.