Campus Life

UWF College of Business to host second annual Women in Leadership Conference

The University of West Florida College of Business Executive Mentor Program will host the second annual Women in Leadership: Designing Your Future Conference on Friday, Feb. 13 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the UWF Conference Center on the main Pensacola campus.

The conference will feature thought-provoking session presentations and panel discussions from recognized industry leaders. Attendees will gain knowledge about the importance of building and protecting your personal brand; learn how communication skills can be a pathway to career success; gain an understanding of some of the issues that women face in various career paths; and understand how important it is to align personal values with leadership behaviors.

Keynote speaker Dr. Martha Saunders serves as the University’s executive vice president and provost. The full list of speakers will be released in January 2015.

Attendees will have the opportunity to strengthen their network with successful women including UWF alumnae and community leaders and hear candid advice about how to navigate the business world and succeed in their careers.

“We are happy to bring this conference back next year by popular demand,” said Sherry Hartnett, Conference Chair. “Attendees will have an incredible opportunity to not only hear and learn from nationally recognized experts, but also to develop skills that foster personal and professional growth and will help them design their future.”

The UWF College of Business Executive Mentor Program matches students from the University with influential community business leaders who share their personal and professional experience, knowledge and skills. The one-on-one mentor relationship allows for individual attention to the student mentees’ career aspirations, professional development and networking needs. The access to local business leaders provides students with an inside track for full-time, post-graduate employment.

The conference is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

For additional information, or to register for the conference, visit