Campus Life

Healthier Argo Nation: Updated UWF COVID-19 Protocols

Effective June 1, 2021, the University of West Florida will be implementing changes to its COVID-19 guideline and protocols. These thoughtful changes were made due to recently released national guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and in coordination with the Florida State University System. Please review the below changes before returning to a UWF location.

  • Face Coverings
    Face coverings are strongly recommended, but no longer required at UWF locations.
  • Social Distancing
    Social distancing will no longer be enforced at UWF locations.
  • Daily Pre-screening
    The Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening will only be required for those who have traveled outside of the U.S. and are returning to campus. The daily pre-screening email will discontinue and the survey can be found on
  • COVID-19 Training
    The one-time COVID-19 Training for students and employees is no longer required.

Effective July 6, 2021, all event restrictions will be lifted and full in-person participation in University events, activities and athletic events will resume.

It remains critical that we continue to work together and assume individual responsibility to protect our own health, as well as the health of others. As we have throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the University will maintain our focus on the health and safety of our campus community and adapt as necessary based on public health guidance. We strongly encourage everyone to protect themselves and each other by getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

We look forward to a full in-person experience this fall. Stay healthy and safe, Argos!