Artists examine public theatre and the act of dissidence as a part of Experience UWF Downtown Lecture Series
The University of West Florida College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities will continue its 2017-18 Experience UWF Downtown Lecture Series as Quinn Bauriedel, co-founder and co-artistic director of Pig Iron Theatre Company, presents "Public Theatre and the Act of Dissidence” on Tuesday, March 27 at the Historic Museum of Commerce, 201 East Zaragoza Street. The reception will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by the lecture at 6 p.m.

The University of West Florida College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities will continue its 2017-18 Experience UWF Downtown Lecture Series as Quinn Bauriedel, co-founder and co-artistic director of Pig Iron Theatre Company, presents “Public Theatre and the Act of Dissidence” on Tuesday, March 27 at the Historic Museum of Commerce, 201 East Zaragoza Street. The reception will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by the lecture at 6 p.m.
In 2016, Bauriedel examined Russian theatre practice during an Eisenhower Fellowship. Through this presentation, Bauriedel will offer modern and historical examples of Russian theatre-makers provoking civic dialogue and speaking to the populace in coded and layered language. He will also present his observations about what leads to actors and directors having a strong voice within Russian culture, generally, and having the responsibility to give voice to those who do not support the status quo, specifically.
This installment of the lecture series is sponsored, in part, by the Pensacola Museum of Art.
The 2017-18 Experience UWF Downtown Lecture Series promotes the value of liberal arts in contemporary life by showcasing outstanding UWF faculty and scholars of national prominence, who illustrate the essential role of the liberal arts in building and sustaining contemporary culture. The next lecture, which will focus on public art in the city, will take place in May at the Historic Museum of Commerce.
In addition to “Public Theatre and the Act of Dissidence,” Bauriedel and the Pig Iron Theatre Company will present “The Sabbatical” by Bright Metal Productions, a Master of Fine Arts thesis production of the UArts/Pig Iron Devised Performance Program on March 31 at the UWF Mainstage Theatre at 7:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required.
For the full 2017-18 Experience UWF Downtown Lecture Series schedule and more information, visit