A Healthier Argo Nation: Spring 2021 Semester Protocols
As we enter a new semester, the University of West Florida remains committed to the health and safety of the campus community amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the shared responsibility of our students, employees and visitors to maintain a healthier and safer campus #ForAllArgos. Thank you for doing your part.
Below are critical protocols and resources for the campus community. For more information on keeping our Argos healthier and safer, visit uwf.edu/healthier.
Face Coverings
A disposable or cloth face covering is required in all shared indoor spaces, as well as outdoor areas where social distancing is not possible.
Examples of shared indoor spaces include classrooms, laboratories, hallways, shared offices, cubicles, open offices, restrooms, conference rooms, lobbies and lounge areas, retail spaces, museums, libraries and dining facilities. Anyone using a dining facility should cover their face until they sit down to eat and then put the face covering back on immediately after.
Face coverings may be removed when inside of private building space, such as a single-use office or a residence hall room.
COVID-19 Training
All students, faculty and staff are required to complete the one-time, mandatory COVID-19 Student Training, available in MyUWF. If you have not completed the training previously, please do so immediately.
Students and employees must limit all in-person interactions on and off campus to an #ArgoSquad of 10 or fewer people. Students and employees are expected to follow face covering and social distancing guidelines at all times.
Events, Activities and Meetings
All in-person events, activities and meetings on and off campus are limited to 10 or fewer people and must follow specific guidelines that can be found on the Event, Activity and Meeting Guidelines webpage.
Quarantine and Isolation
For guidance on isolation and quarantine, please visit the UWF Isolation and Quarantine Protocol.
What’s open
Visit map.uwf.edu for more information on what buildings and services are open and available.
Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening
Students must fill out the Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening on a daily basis ONLY if you are:
- Visiting campus (each day you visit, before arriving to a UWF location)
- Living on-campus and leaving your residence hall room (each day before you leave your residence hall room)
- If you are fully remote you do not need to complete the survey unless you are coming to a UWF location.
Remote and On-Site Work
Remote work continues to be the primary work arrangement for faculty and staff. If the functions of a department cannot continue being accomplished remotely, department heads may permit up to 50% of employees to return to their work location. If a department requires more than 50% of employees to return, the department head must request approval from their appropriate division head.
On-Site Work Procedures
All employees working on-site at any time must review the On-Site Work Processes and Procedures before visiting a UWF location.
Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening
All UWF employees (faculty, staff and OPS) regardless of remote or on-site must fill out the Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening on a daily basis on every working day. Exemptions:
- Employees considered permanent remote work as part of their job description. If permanent remote employees plan to visit a UWF location, they must also fill out the Daily COVID-19 Pre-Screening.
- Employees taking annual leave. These employees must resume when their annual leave is completed.
- Employees that are currently quarantined or isolated and have already notified Human Resources. These employees must resume when their quarantine or isolation period is complete.
For an extensive list of frequently asked questions, visit uwf.edu/covidfaq.