UWF hosts Marks Invitational Speech and Debate Competition
The University of West Florida Speech and Debate team hosted the annual Marks Invitational Speech Tournament Nov. 3-5, drawing in eight regional colleges and universities. Students from across the country have competed in speech and debate events at UWF for more than 40 years.
The University of West Florida Speech and Debate team hosted the annual Marks Invitational Speech Tournament Nov. 3-5, drawing in eight regional colleges and universities. Students from across the country have competed in speech and debate events at UWF for more than 40 years.
Nearly 50 competitors participated in the tournament, delivering a total of 110 speeches. The tournament offered students the opportunity to compete in 13 different speech events.
UWF’s team fared well at the tournament with three finalists in after dinner speaking. Novice competitors Kaitlyn Gardner and Rebecca Page placed fifth and third, with varsity team member Susanna Rogers finishing fourth.
Team members Jessica Shouse and Olivia Gardner were also recognized as the top non-advancing novices in persuasive speaking and after dinner speaking respectively.
“This has been a great competitive semester for the team,” said Dr. Chris Fenner, director of the UWF Speech and Debate Program. “Our novice competitors have been finalists at several tournaments already so we have a lot of momentum behind us.”
For more information about the UWF Speech and Debate Team, visit online or contact cfenner@uwf.edu.