UWF faculty members to assist Pensacola parks department with resident survey
Recognizing that parks play an integral part of a growing, vibrant urban environment, the City of Pensacola Department of Parks and Recreation will evaluate the current parks system, and with citizen input, develop a plan for future growth.
A team led by Dr. Matthew Ruckman and comprised of Drs. Jeremy Philips and Charlie Song, all of the University of West Florida Public Administration and Sport Management programs, will assist with the evaluation.
The project started in June 2015 with an inventory of the city’s park system. It culminates this spring with an online survey and a series of meetings during which residents can brainstorm ideas and provide input for park improvements.
Those who want to offer ideas can attend meetings that are scheduled for 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21, at the Theophalis May Neighborhood Resource Center, 1301 W. Gregory St.; 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26 at the East Pensacola Heights Clubhouse, 3208 E. Gonzalez St.; and 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 28, at City Hall, 222 W. Main St., in the Hagler-Mason Conference Room on the second floor.
The online site where residents can complete the needs survey to express their opinions about possible park improvements is http://fl-pensacola.civicplus.