Alzheimer’s takes physical, mental toll on caregivers

More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. But they aren’t the only ones affected by the illness. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 16 million people in the United States provide unpaid care for those – often loved ones – with Alzheimer’s disease. Often, the stress placed on caregivers […]

Project seeks to mitigate dementia agitation with dance

When Dr. Crystal Bennett began her dance-based research, she’d hoped to improve her subjects’ physical fitness. But she soon discovered that there were other benefits she hadn’t considered. Bennett, lecturer of nursing at the University of West Florida, was looking for a fun way to help elderly people get more active. “My original research was […]

UWF researcher hopes to find non-invasive biomarker to detect Alzheimer’s disease

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is typically made after symptoms are already present, making it difficult to offer treatments that may slow the progression of the disease. Dr. James Arruda, professor at the University of West Florida in the Department of Psychology, is among the researchers searching for a biomarker that may hasten the detection […]

Featured in Memory

Changes to protein could hold key to early detection of Alzheimer’s

Researchers are working tirelessly to find biomarkers that could detect the presence of Alzheimer’s disease long before the disease’s devastating symptoms take hold. Dr. Rodney Guttmann, a biology professor at the University of West Florida, is trying to find those biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid, which is fluid found around the brain and spinal cord. “In […]

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