Complete Florida welcomes Polk State College to statewide education partnership
Online learning and personal coaches help Floridians finish college and earn a degree
Complete Florida, a statewide initiative administered by the University of West Florida Innovation Institute, recently announced the addition of Polk State College, a multi-campus institution serving more than 20,000 students in Central Florida. The partnership strives to enroll and graduate Floridians who started college but never obtained a degree.
“We are proud to welcome Polk State College to Complete Florida,” said Dr. Pam Northrup, senior associate provost and chief executive officer for the UWF Innovation Institute. “Polk State College is committed to student success, which is the central organizing principle of Complete Florida. We want students to graduate with a degree that helps them get a better job with a higher income and greater economic security.”
Complete Florida offers more than 70 online degree programs at colleges and universities across the state. Polk State College will offer six new degrees, including three associate’s degrees and three bachelor’s degrees.
The two-year associate’s degree programs will include business administration and criminal justice in addition to an Associate of Arts that prepares graduates to transfer seamlessly to a public college or university. The four-year bachelor’s degree programs will include supervision and management, as well as an RN to BSN nursing degree and a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice.
“Success is our biggest priority,” said Eileen Holden, president of Polk State College. “With Complete Florida, we will be able to help adults come back to college and earn their degree.”